The Spotlight Awards Program

The annual Spotlight Awards Program was created by Theatre Live! to encourage and reward exceptional student accomplishment in high school musical theatre programs. Recognition of outstanding achievement by students is made in the areas of performance, technical production, educational impact and overall production excellence. Eighteen Minnesota high schools applied in the first year and thirteen received outstanding citations in at least one category.

The Evaluation and Selection Process

Members of a committee of judges comprised of Theatre Live! staff, members of the Education Advisory Council, theatre practitioners and educators from throughout Minnesota, attend entered productions at each school and make recommendations for nominations in specific categories. Criteria for selection of judges include knowledge of and/or experience in theatre production and performance, an understanding of the value of theatre in education, an appreciation of the ability and potential of young performers and technicians, and knowledge, appreciation, and understanding of the elements of musical theatre. Once all productions have been evaluated, the Spotlight Awards Program Advisory Council will consider all nominations and select award recipients. Winning productions will be notified four weeks following their performance so that they can begin making necessary arrangements to attend the Spotlight Awards Celebration & Showcase on June 21 and 22, 2001.

Supporting Materials

Schools will be required to submit support materials for review by the judges; these materials will need to be in the Theatre Live! Education Department office one month prior to the opening night of your production. Support materials may include, but are not limited to, production photos, reviews, newspaper articles, posters, flyers, promotional items and programs. The producing institution will submit a copy of their royalty contract with the licenser for performances of its entry at the local level. Support materials become the property of the Theatre Live! Education Department.

Awards Celebration & Showcase 2001

Spotlight Awards Program recipients will be invited to attend a two-day Awards Celebration & Showcase in Minneapolis at the Historic State Theatre on June 21 and 22, 2001. Students share their work with peers at the Showcase. In addition, participants will receive intensive training through master classes and workshops led by some of the top theatre professionals in the country, and rehearse opening and closing musical numbers for the Spotlight Showcase, which will feature performances of production numbers from top-nominated musicals. Slides of outstanding technical achievement will also be presented throughout the Showcase. .. In addition to the individual and ensemble awards presentations, ten Spotlight Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 each will be presented to selected seniors pursuing education and careers in the performing arts. We are encouraging all high school theatre students, teachers, parents and community members to attend the Spotlight Awards Showcase at the Historic State Theatre on June 22, 2000. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending this very special event.

Theatre Live! Upcoming Events

Dame Edna Teacher's Night Historic State Theatre October 25, 2000
Spotlight Registration Due Theatre Live! Education Office November 1, 2000
Aida Explore Day Historic Orpheum Theatre April 19, 2001
Spotlight Showcase & Celebration

Historic State Theatre

June 21-22, 2000

How to Reach Us at Theatre Live!

Spotlight Hotline
Sherry Nolan, Education Manager [email protected]
James DeBrito, Spotlight Program Manager [email protected]
Janet Grove, Spotlight Program Associate [email protected]